Because some features may not be available on some browsers. By viewing it on different browsers, we can see if there's any incompatibilities and fix them.
To check if the year comes under each 100th year, lets check if the remainder when dividing with 100 is 0 or not.
Similarly check for 400th year and multiple 0f 4. The following C program describes the function.
bool is_leap_year(int year);
void main()
int y;
bool b;
printf("Enter the year in yyyy format: e.g. 1999 \n");
scanf("%d", &y); // taking the input year in yyyy format.
b= is_leap_year(y); //calling the function and returning the output to b
printf("Thae given year is a leap year \n");
printf("The given year is not a leap year \n");
bool is_leap_year(int year)
if(year%100==0) //every 100th year
if(year%400==0) //every 400th year
return true;
return false;
if(year%4==0) //is a multiple of 4
return true;
return false;
Output is given as image
Technically, drawing in colored pencil is simply layering semitransparent colors on paper to create vivid paintings. Every color has three qualities
it depends on the kind of police check. like if its a road block type of check, they make sure everything is right. if you get pulled over you get your name ran in the system to check if you have warrents or warning and depends on what you get pulled over for, you could get a ticket or detained.