ANY number raised to the zero power is ' 1 '.
(This rule is worth memorizing. You'll amaze all of
your friends, especially the ones who don't know
how to do it without running to Google.)
So 5^0 = 1 .
c) the line should not be solid. the line should be dashed
Answer: 3.1691, 5.8, 5.802, 5.82</h3>
The smallest item is 3.1691 which is listed first. This is because 3 is smaller than 5.
Now to sort the values that start with 5.
Think of 5.82 as 5.820; think of 5.8 as 5.800
We can see that 820 is larger than 800, which means 5.820 is larger than 5.800; in short, 5.82 > 5.8
Through similar logic, we can see that 5.82 > 5.802 and it further means 5.82 is the largest item. The next largest is 5.802
The sub-list {5.802, 5.82, 5.8} sorts to {5.8, 5.802, 5.82}. These values are then written after the 3.1691 mentioned. This will produce the fully sorted list from smallest to largest.
{ y = 3x + 3
{ 3x - y = 3
(Just did the assignment 3/23/21)
Step-by-step explanation: