eagle- chordata phylum
ladybud- Insecta class
scorpian- Arachnida class
lobster- Crustacea class
snail- Mollusca phylum
The organism that contains a notochord at some of its life cycle stage are called chordates and all vertebrates are chordates so eagle comes under phylum Chordata.
Insecta is the largest class of phylum Arthropoda which contains organisms which have jointed legs, exoskeleton and segmented body for example ladybird, playing mantis, etc.
Arachnids are animals which have jointed legs and in this class spider are the largest order which contains scorpions, mites, ticks, etc.
Crustaceans are invertebrates which have hard shell made up of calcium for example lobster, prawn, shrimp, etc.
Mollusks are very large invertebrate phylum which contains a soft segmented body that is usually present inside a shell made up of calcium. for example snails.
a.Many mitochondrial genes resemble proteobacteria genes, while the genes in the chloroplast resemble genes found in some photosynthetic bacteria.
c.Mitochondria and chloroplasts both have their own circular DNA and 70S ribosomes that are similar to those found in bacteria.
d.Mitochondria and chloroplasts replicate by a process similar to mitosis.
Endosymbiotic theory states that mitochondria and chloroplast which are organelles of eukaryotic cells were once independently living micro-organisms but with due course of time eukaryotic cells engulfed them and they become an integral part of these eukaryotic cells.
The resemblance between mitochondrial genes with those of proteobacteria and chloroplast genes with photosynthetic bacteria strongly support endosymbiotic theory. Apart from this, the presence of their own DNA that too circular just like prokaryotic microbes and 70 S ribosomes also support this theory. Also just like prokaryotic cells, before cell division mitochondria and chloroplasts undergo replication by means of a process known as binary fission.
hydrogen bond
by weak electrical attraction between two polar molecule hydrogen bond is developed between them
the example is water molecule in case of water two water molecules are attracted toward each other by strong hydrogen bond which is developed between highly electronegative oxygen of one water and electropositive hydrogen of another water molecule
Signal transduction is what allows cells to respond to the influences of the environment around them, providing cells with proper growth and normal cell function.
Living organisms have developed a wide variety of complex processes to transmit signals from the outside to the inside to elicit an adequate cellular response. Defects in these molecular pathways can lead to very different disorders, such as diabetes, cancer, and psychotic illnesses. Signal transduction is the process by which a cell converts a certain signal or external stimulus into another signal or specific response, that is, it is the mechanism by which a cell responds to the stimuli it receives from the environment through diffusion. of those signals to its internal compartments. First, a signaling molecule (also called a ligand) needs to activate a specific receptor on the cell's membrane or cytoplasm. Ligand-receptor binding is very specific; they are recognized as a key and a lock. Second messengers are molecules that allow the received signal to be amplified at the intracellular level. The binding of a ligand to the receptor can generate hundreds of second messenger molecules that, in turn, can modify thousands of effector molecules and give rise to different responses. Cells recognize, integrate, and respond to multiple signals from their environment due to signal transduction, providing cells with a normal cell function.
Oxygen does not enter the body except due to some diseases and loss of consciousness, and then the patient uses a ready-made ventilator