A database view is a searchable object in a database that is defined by a query. Though a view doesn't store data, some refer to a views as “virtual tables,” you can query a view like you can a table. A view can combine data from two or more table, using joins, and also just contain a subset of information.
A database view is a subset of a database that is based on a query that runs on one or more database tables. Database views are saved in the database as named queries and can be used to save complete queries that are frequently used.
class Car(object):
fuel = 0
def __init__(self, mpg):
self.mpg = mpg
def drive(self, mile):
if self.fuel * self.mpg >= mile:
self.fuel -= mile / self.mpg
print(f"get gas for your {self}")
print(f"Fuel remaining: {self.fuel}")
def get_gas(cls):
cls.fuel += 50
def add_gas(cls, gallon):
if cls.fuel + gallon > 50:
cls.fuel += 10
cls.fuel += gallon
gulf = Car(20)
The Car class is defined in Python. Its drive method simulates the driving of a car with fuel that reduces by the miles covered, with efficiency in miles per gallon. The get_gas and add_gas methods fill and top up the car tank respectively.
this:name = 'John'
print("Is name == 'John'? I predict True.")
print(name == 'John')
print("\nIs name == 'Joy'? I predict False.")
print(car == 'Joy')
this:age = '28'
print("Is age == '28'? I predict True.")
print(age == '28')
print("\nIs age == '27'? I predict False.")
print(age == '27')
this:sex = 'Male'
print("Is sex == 'Female'? I predict True.")
print(sex == 'Female')
print("\nIs sex == 'Female'? I predict False.")
print(sex == 'Joy')
this:level = 'College'
print("Is level == 'High School'? I predict True.")
print(level == 'High School')
print("\nIs level == 'College'? I predict False.")
print(age == 'College')
Conditions 1 and 2 test for name and age
Both conditions are true
Hence, true values are returned
Conditions 3 and 4 tests for sex and level
Both conditions are false
Hence, false values are returned.
Well the background sound is the sound of course in the background and the nat sound is the curremt sound
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