Explanation: For a source of water pollution the pollutant can be any undesirable substance present in water.
These undesirable substances can be biological, physical or chemical.
Passive transport
Passive transport isn't driven by an investment of cellular energy. Rather, it's driven by the tendency of the system to grow in entropy. The four main kinds of passive transport are diffusion, facilitated diffusion, filtration, and osmosis.
1. They observe how the ocean, atmosphere, and climate affect one another
2. Plan experiments, write reports and scientific papers
3. Troubleshoot risks to coasts from storms and tidalwaves
Hope this helps =]
The amount of deer moving about in urban areas would increase. Instead of being in their natural habitat, deer would be walking around, grazing in the yards of humans to try and find food. This may also lead to an increase in wildlife related collisions, as more deer would be trying to cross busy roads to find more to eat.
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In order to prepare for division the cell has to Replicate DNA