There are 72 boys. 7:6 = 84:?, divide 84 by 7, you get 12. Multiply 6 by 12 to get the answer.
Step-by-step explanation:idk
-20 + 15g
Step-by-step explanation:
5 multiplied by -4 is -20
5 multiplied by 3g is 15 g.
because these two variables do not both have a g with them, this is the most they can be simplified. hope this helps!
1) Multiplying powers with the same base would be product rule. It where you just add the exponents. Dividing powers with the same base would be the quotient rule. Its where you subtract the exponents.
2)Where you multiply the two exponents together
3)The negative law is where for example, if it were in the numerator, then it would be placed at the denominator with a positive exponent whereas if it were in the denominator it would be on the numerator with the positive exponent. The zero law just states the anything to the power to zero is one.
Step-by-step explanation:
1) 3^3 x 3^4 = 3 ^3+4 = 3^7
3^9 ÷3² = 3^9-2 = 3^7
2) (3^2)^2 = 3^2×2 =3^4
3) 1/3^-5 = 3^5 \
3^-7 =1/3^7
2^0 = 1