(c)- this is an unanticipated problem and an adverse event.
In medical centers all over the places, <em>patients medical history, details and records are highly confidential and guarded safely hence the reason why it has the non-diclosure clause.</em>
For the study cordinator in the health center to lose three folders of patients in the cafeteria <em>exposes the medical history to public despite the fact that the event is not an anticipated problems</em>. <em>The adverse effect it would have on the patients would be disastrous</em> should a criminally minded person lay his hand on the folders.
It is a wise decision that the IRB approved that all records should be transmitted electronically.
mother tongue varies according to geographical diversity because mother tounge are different in other countries. If our mother tounge is Nepali then the mother tounge if other countries can also be different according to their diversity
The parents’ divorce, leaves a psychological impact
to the children. Children bringing the memories will be hurt that they
(children) will tend to suppress or repress what they feel. Suppressing is when
the child tries to forget the memories with effort while repression is the
brain itself forgets them by default. The child might also show projection
which is giving his feelings to other people. Either he may become a bully or
the victim (in school for example).
<span> </span>
The ICD of severity component the DSM impairment levels of personally functioning, they also add to them.It provides a separate list of explicit emotional, cognitive and behavioral manifestations to help determine the severity of an individual personality disorder.
DSM -5 list some specific personality disorders such as schizoid, antisocial,borderline, hist-ionic , narcissistic , avoidant, dependent and obsessive compulsive disorder. DSM -4 and DSM -5 is the elimination of multi axial system , which approached psychiatric assessment and organization of psychophysiology information using a multi axial formulation.
Theses grouped in DSM-5 organised sequence with the development lifespan, which is evident with disorders typically diagnosed in childhood detailed first, followed by those in adolescence or later life.
To learn more about DSM -5 here