c) "I need to have 4 servings of fruit each day."
Adolescent obesity or overweight is the problem faced by the children worldwide due to the overconsumption of the calorie than required through fast food.
A diet plan is suggested to these patents which could provide all the nutrients to the overweight person but should maintain the minimum calories intake.
The diet should include the fruits, vegetables, whole grains nuts which can help lower the sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure and reducing the carbohydrate-rich food and meats is suggested.
In the given options the diet should have the fruits for 3-4 times a day as which could provide a large number of calories and fat should not be avoided as a small amount of fat is essential for the proper functioning of the metabolism.
Thus, c) "I need to have 4 servings of fruit each day is the correct answer.
Answer: im usually hyper and have the vocab of a teenage guy more than a girl. so. If you a girl and lookin for fem friends you lucked out on this one
Answer & Explanation:
One reason you may feel tired is because your body is fighting off the disease/infection/sickness. There are many ways the body fights it off, 1 way being fever. Fever makes the infection burn itself to death. A side effect of fever is tiredness and chills.
Drinking lots of fluids and taking the right medication. For example: if you have fever take a Tylenol or Panadol.
The common cold is an infection that affects the upper respiratory tract (esophagus throat, mouth, nose area). It causes issues with mucus and may cause throat aches. There is no cure for the cold but it can be treated with citrus (oranges, cough drops, etc). The average person has about 2-3 colds a year, they can be brought on by weather changes, especially in the fall. The body can get over the cold in anywhere from 1-5 days. Some individuals will have worse symptoms than others.
Hope that helps
Are there choices? I would say the flu shot, but again, are there choices.
the flu is ten times worse than a cold. A cold is just like mucus and things in that region. The flu makes you weak and messes with you system becuase some of you're white blood cells are either weak or your immune system is (That's how you catch it too) anyways after you get over you flu it strengthens the.