the answer is C, destroyed when the chemical bonds of glucose are made or it might be D, saved in the chemical bonds of water
i hope i helped :)
Seems like an open ended question, the habitat organ was the ocean, more specifically is probably the sea floor, since that it is where sponges (basal animals) live
The main arctic animals which will be affected by climate change are polar bears, seal, seabirds, and walrus.
Polar bears: Sea-ice cover at summer may be completely loss and this inhibits polar bears traveling from region to another to give birth — making the survival of mothers and cubs to be vulnerable.
Seal: Seal species are living mainly on ice and with the climate changing, ice cover also reduces — creating a not so comfortable environment for seal. They use sea ice as a feeding ground, birth place and a place where for raising their young, as well as for resting.
Seabirds (auks and gulls): They eat fishes and scavenge on top of sea ice, so when sea ice reduces so as their source of food and population.
Walrus: Uses sea ice as a feeding ground and source of food is on the sea floor while using sea ice as a diving platform. So any loss of sea ice cover, also affects their way of feeding and eventually, their population.
Overall, melting of ice affects salinity and temperature of surface waters, thereby affecting other marine life.
Empirical research is research using empirical evidence. It is also a way of gaining knowledge by means of direct and indirect observation or experience. Empiricism values such research more than other kinds.
When the terminal (third) phosphate is cut loose, ATP becomes ADP (Adenosine diphosphate; di= two), and the stored energy is released for some biological process to utilize. The input of additional energy (plus a phosphate group) "recharges" ADP into ATP (as in my analogy the spent batteries are recharged by the input of additional energy). Hope this helped.