Location A will have cooler summers and warmer winters than Location B
This is because costal areas are cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter than inland areas along the same latitude
Reaction 1
Reaction 1 would be the most suitable in this case. This is so because in reference to the question you are wanting to keep the food warm over long periods. So in reference to the data in the chart reaction 1 continues to heat up over long periods of time. However, with the other reactions (2, 3, 4) temperatures vary and some even decrease constantly. Therefore showing that the other reactions are invalid to help reach your goal referencing back to the question.
<span>Error bars within treatments illustrate confidence intervals, standard errors, standard deviations or other quantities. However, different types of error bars exist, so figure legends must be sure to distinguish which error bar is being represented. </span>
evaporative heat loss + convective heat loss + conductive heat loss + radiative heat loss