The native Americans were relocated and given reservations where they could settle.
"Psychomotor Agitation", "Psychomotor Retar dation".
Bethany is most likely experiencing "Psychomotor Agitation" while Bernard is showing signs of "Psychomotor Retar dation".
Psychomotor Agitation is a variety of actions that are done for no actual reason. This is usually caused from anxiety from life problems and shows up in different forms such as pacing, talking fast, biting your nails, tapping your foot, etc.
"Psychomotor Retar dation". is the opposite of Agitation in which the person suffering from this starts to perform regular tasks such as speaking and normal movements in a much slower manner than usual.
**The second one is spaced out because brainly detects it as an inappropriate word**
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
When an organization consistently uses a single variable only to modify production plans, such as, hiring/firing employees, it is likely deploying a pure strategy, since it appears to fit the definition of what you said. I hope this helps!
Strict hindus dont eat meat poultry or fish