One thing that you can do regardless of your living situation is exercise. You can go for a walk, jog, ect...
You can also meditate or do yoga to focus on you mental well being and health.
She needs to know to wear some gloves so she doesn't get any of the cleansers on her hands and she needs to wear a face mask so she doesn't breathe in any of the chemicals from the cleansers.
Do u mean ur anatomy organs??
I would say A. That's because in the answer choice B, it says "parents neglect their children" causing them to have lower self-esteem, which leads to meaning they think that causes teens to be easily influenced by peer pressure. I wouldn't say that would be a direct cause. Also, with answer choice C, it talks about "teens maturing at different rates". Different maturing levels may be a part of why teens are so easily influenced by peer pressure, because of the bigger kids may convince the smaller kids to do whatever they have in mind. I don't see that as being the best answer choice though. With option A, it talks about "rely more on their peers". I think that is very true. It's often to see teens trying to simply fit in or be accepted by their peers so that does a pretty good job at getting others to follow them.