See my explanations and attachment
Construct an 8k X 32 ROM using 2k X 8 ROM chips and any additional required components. Show how the address and data lines of the constructed 8k X 32 ROM are connected to the 2k X 8 chips.
I tried to solve it but I am not sure if I got the correct answer. Could anyone check my drawing and correct me?
6 2 and 0
This algorithm doesn't work if the list is not ordered ascending.
In this example it is not, and indeed the item "1" is never found.
first cycle: first=0, last=12 so midpoint=6
second cycle: first=0, last=5 so midpoint=2
last cycle: first=0, last=1 so midpoint=0
then last is assigned -1 so the while statement is no longer true.
Can't really help you... But you can try emailing support.
The following code is written in Python and is a function that loops three times asking for the last name and first name. Then it uses this information to create a username. Finally, each of the names and usernames is printed on the screen.
def userName():
for x in range(3):
last_name = input("What is your last name: ")
first_name = input("What is your first name: ")
username = first_name[:3] + "#" + last_name[-3:]
print(last_name + ", " + first_name)
Three characteristics of an ideal encrytion scheme are:
1. The encryption sheme should be strong: the algorithm is imprevious to direct attack and attempts are derived.
2. The encryption scheme should create unique ciphertext from the same plaintext for each key permutation, among other traits.
3. It should take at least millions of years to break ideal encryption scheme, based on mathematical predictions.