“The soldier wrote a beautiful poem about the countryside”
Below are the correctly formatted website citations:
1. Lee, Kim. Stake Your Tomatoes. Future Farmers of America, n.d. Web. 24 June 2012.
2. Greene, Tom. Home Composting. Hanover Growers Guild, 15 March 2010. Web. 22 April 2011.
3. Lawson, Jennifer. Put Down the Pesticides. Organic Advocates, 31 May 2013. Web. 3 January 2014.
According to the required citation style which could either be MLA, APA, etc, usually the surname of the author is first included, then the first name, title of the work, the name of the website it was published and then the date the work was published and date of access.
Therefore, the three selected ones up are corrctly formatted according to citation rules.
<span>Then rushing sudden on his prostrate prize, To spoil the carcase fierce Patroclus flies: Swift as a lion, terrible and bold, That sweeps the field, depopulates the fold
This passage is comparing Patroclus to a lion who is fast, brave, and able to kill every enemy in sight. </span>
They both lived in a time of severe class division
Hope that helps ya
Mean-kind nice caring generous
friendly-unfriendly unkind horrible
strong-feeble weak powerless