Zapoznaj się z zamieszczonymi niżej danymi i określ, czy zdania A–C są prawdziwe.
Źródło: Korzystanie z internetu, Komunikat z badań CBOS, Warszawa, kwiecień 2017.
W Polsce coraz więcej osób korzysta z urządzeń przenośnych służących do łączenia się z internetem.
Na podstawie wykresu można sformułować opinię, że Polacy są społeczeństwem informacyjnym.
Ponad połowa Polaków mogła się łączyć internetem za pomocą urządzeń przenośnych już w 2010 r.
Odszukaj, korzystając z dowolnego medium, informację o tym, ile osób w Polsce posiada telefon komórkowy, laptop, tablet.
Podyskutujcie w klasie o tym, czy potrzebne są zasady etyczne w internecie.
Wyjaśnij, na czym polega zasada zachowania tajemnicy źródła informacji. Dlaczego jest ona ważna?
The aspect that would be most challenging in this type of communication would be pretending to be nice no matter the crimes they committed. This would be challenging because having a civil conversation with someone who may or may not have killed innocent people is still treated kindly and with respect.
Answer: C. The Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott was not entitled to the rights of citizenship, which inflamed sectional tensions that eventually led to the outbreak of the Civil War.
Dred Scott was a slave who had been owned by a Missouri man named John Emerson. Emerson's service in the US military caused him to live for a time in Illinois (which was a free state) and Wisconsin (which was a free territory. Later, back in Missouri, after John Emerson died, Scott tried to purchase his freedom from Emerson's widow, who refused. With lawyers' help, he then filed suit to gain his freedom on the grounds that he had lived in a free state and free territory.
In Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), commonly referred to simply as "The Dred Scott case," the Supreme Court, by a 7 to 2 margin, issued its ruling that Scott was not entitled to his freedom just because he had lived at some times in free territory. The Court also ruled that African Americans were not and could never be citizens of the United States, and therefore did not have the legal standing to file such a lawsuit. The Court further stated that the Missouri Compromise of 1820 had been an overreach of federal government power -- that any states or territories were free to make their own decisions regarding slavery.
The Dred Scott decision was a controversial event which played into the tensions that by 1861 erupted into the Civil War in the United States.
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I think the correct answer is Bailiff.
Answer: The in general government assess framework is progressive, with add up to government assess burdens a bigger rate of salary for higher-income family units than for lower-income family units. A few government charges are backward, as they make up a bigger rate of wage for lower-income than for higher-income families.