C.Asxins cause plants to grow wider
A nuclear power plant will use nuclear energy to power the town. While nuclear energy is perhaps one of the most effective ways to provide power, a nuclear accident is very dangerous, and could destroy an environment and its organisms. There was a nuclear accident in Chernobyl, Ukraine, in the 1900s. people had to evacuate because of it.
The mantle has properties of both liquids and solids
A chromosome is made of both one DNA molecule wound around small protein molecules whereas DNA is just one large molecule called deoxyribose nucleic acid.
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
This is a liquid vaccine, and these types of vaccines should not be frozen, because if they do they lose their potency and no longer protect the individual from infections. In fact when these types off vaccines are frozen they can cause local reactions such as sterile abscesses.