C. Thermal energy to electrical energy
Burning coal produces heat which is thermal energy
Power is electricity or electrical power
a) Genes b and c are farthest apart.
Transformation occurs when a competent bacteria cell takes up genetic material from the environment. Usually a donor cell donates its gene fragment which is then incorporated into the chromosome or plasmid of recipient bacterial cell.
Cotransformation occurs when two genes are taken up together by the recipient. The closer the genes lie to each other, more are the chances of them being taken up together. Contransformation frequency will be higher if two genes are close to each other. Here, cotransformation frequencies between three genes are given. Amongst them, the lowest frequency is 0.0064% which is present between gene b and c. Hence, gene b and c are the farthest apart.
It is B. Because you cannot give internal fertilization/ live birth inside.
genomic imprinting
Genomic imprinting is a mechanism for regulating gene expression that allows expression of only one of the parental alleles, although both alleles are functional. Unlike most genes in which expression is biallelic, genes that are subjected to this mechanism (imprinted genes) have monoalelic expression; By definition, in an imprinted loci, only one allele is active (maternal or paternal), and the inactive is epigenetically marked by histonic modification and / or methylation of cytosines.
Genomic imprinting can cause some disturbances, among them Prader-Willi syndrome, which is a genetic disorder that involves a partial deletion of chromosome 15q on the paternal chromosome.