Decrease it
Intrinsic motivation refers to behavior that is driven by internal rewards. In other words, the motivation to engage in a behavior arises from within the individual because it is naturally satisfying to you. The money given to him by his parents will shift the focus from the internal reward, hence the motivation he gets from within reduces .
I would say C but i haven’t watched what your suppose to be watching. Sorry if i couldn’t help you.
Using the cost-benefit analysis table to answer the question: should Mis. Baxter allow her students to take an open-book test the best option to fill the blank pace is: Mrs. Baxter may have to reteach the material.
First of all, let's analyze the context and the answers.
In this case, let's consider the first option. It doesn't matter if the students obtain better results if she instead applied a closed-book test. Increasing the notes the students would obtain wouldn't mean they learned the correct answer. But that they know how to find information. So it is the most logical considering the cost-benefit analysis.
The second option says that Mrs. Baxter wouldn't need to proctor the exam. But just because it is an open book test doesn't mean students won't feel insecure about their answers and won't copy from classmates, so it's wrong.
Parents may be happier with grades. This could be a good choice but may is such an ambiguous answer that doesn't say anything. It is a tricky answer we have a 50% chance they would be happier with nice grades, but if asked her the reason they wouldn't be happy. So, it's wrong because, in the end, she didn't test their knowledge.
Fourth option Parents will encourage children to study. They could provide them reinforcement for good performance but not encourage them. They would encourage them if they performed badly. Also if they knew how they obtained it, they would definitely know they were not tested and would have a reason to be rewarded. So it is also wrong.
I tried to get as much information of the 7, so that something could click in your brain a help you. Is this good enough?? I had to many characters so I did screenshots
These are their symbols:
Water, holy oils, white garment, Easter candle, white candle for newly baptized
Bread & wine
Chrism for anointing, Fire, & Holy Spirit
<u>Anointing of the sick.</u>
Oil of the Sick for anointing
Wedding rings
<u>Holy orders.</u>
Chrism for anointing; vestments for newly ordained
Baptism is the first step to salvation and the basis for all other sacraments; without it, the others cannot take place. It initiates you into the faith, making you an official member of the Catholic Church. The Sacrament of Baptism has five effects:
- It removes the stain of Original and personal sin.
- It absolves us of the corporeal and eternal punishment that resulted from that sin.
- It infuses us with the life of God, called sanctifying grace. We become a part of Christ.
- Through it, we become part of the Church representing the Mystical Body of Christ.
- It allows you to participate in other Sacraments and to increase your grace.
Holy Orders allows a man to continue the work of Jesus Christ and His Apostles by passing His authority to those who are worthy. Those receiving this sacrament are able to administer sacraments to others, though a bishop is the only member who can perform the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Three levels of ordination exist: deacons, priests, and bishops.
- Priests receive the ability to act in the Person of Christ and hold Mass.
- Bishops are given the strength to lead a Congregation and die as Christ did.
- Deacons receive the ability to preach.