Answer: Cognition
Cognition is referred to as or known as the term which is mostly referring to mental processes that is involved in the gaining of comprehension and knowledge. These processes usually include the knowing, thinking, judging, remembering and the problem-solving. These are also referred to as or known to be functions of higher level of brain and thus tends to encompass perception, language, imagination and planning.
sex or acts of extreme violence, but this depends on your country's laws on innocence and your particular's area's view on innocence and how it is lost. I assume your country applies to the western view of innocence. If so, the answer given should suffice
Seeing sexual intercourse at a young age is seen in western cultures as loosing innocence, because you are introduced to the acts of pleasure (or reproduction) from an age that you are not expected to do so. Sex in itself can be weaponized and used to hold power over someone and take away theirs.
It is also thought that seeing acts of extreme violence also make you loose said innocence, because you are introduced to grotesque ways of behaving that could influence how you interact with the world in respect of empathy and your actions.
Hi Izzi,
Question - What was the purpose of the jamestown settlement?
Answer - It was a dare from a company that wanted them to sail to land that was still a mystery, in honor of Queen Elizabeth the first.
Answer: Although the U.S. Constitution grants _*VETO* _ to the office of the presidency, a president who fails to uphold the public trust may be removed from office.
If the president does fail to achieve the trust of the people or the government then he can be impeached by the parliament after completing the procedure of voting between the 2 houses
• The Congress
• The Senate
The current U.S. government is called a federalism, which gives the government the power the override state laws with the U.S. Congress.