D. Offspring only receive one version of their parents' traits.
To be specific, they receive on version of each parent. Traits are segregated during gamete formation, where one version of the trait comes from one parent, and the other version of that same trait comes from the other parent. When they join during fertilization, a new organism is made through the combination of the traits. However, the trait that will be expressed, according to Mendel, would be the one that is dominant.
They have no common attributes
When there is myelosuppression, the suggestive finding is
there is a decrease in the platelets and red blood cells. Also called the bone
marrow suppression, myelosuppression is a common side effect of the treatment
of chemotherapy. When this side effect happens, there is a decrease in the production
of blood cells. The result which may be the effect of myelosuppression is a
decrease in one, two or all three types of blood cells. Most patients of
chemotherapy experience a decrease in red blood cells. Another effect is the
decrease of white blood cells by most patients. Myelosuppression will be
subcategorized as neutropenia when chemotherapy results to the reduction of
neutrophils which is a specific type of white blood cells. Thrombocytopenia is
the term for a drop in platelet numbers. This kind of suppression is not that common. Only 10 percent of cancer patients undergo
the negative effects of this kind of suppression.
Thomas Malthus was economist who proposed that human populations grow faster than the resources they depend on which becomes limiting factor for them, causing the increase of populations but also increase of famine and diseases. As a consequence, the weakest members die. Darwin linked this with the “survival of the fittest" (naturals elections favors the best suited for reproduction and survival).
Georges Cuvier was anti-evolutionist and religious man, but he did have influence on Darwin theory of evolution (natural selection). He was against linear system of classification so, his believes that there is more than one lineage for species helped Darwin shaped his theory.
Charles Lyell geologists who believed that geologic processes that were at the beginning of time were the same ones that were happening at the current time (processes work the same way through time). He explained that slow changes built up over time, so Darwin linked that with the way that life on Earth changes. (small adaptations that accumulated over long periods of time change a species).
B!! Because it talks more about the question