In order to support the statements of Speaker 2, Jan should research:
A.) Crime statistics of youths that live in cities that have curfews.
situationism; interactionist
Gina and Joe are having a debate. Gina says that personality is solely a result of behaving differently across situations. Joe agrees that personality is affected by the situation, but he says underlying personality characteristics also influence it. Gina's comments are consistent with the situationism view of personality while Joe's statements indicate that he supports the interactionist view of personality.
Interactionism believes that situations are as a result of the function of the person as the person's behavior is a function of the situation.
Situationism believes that people are more influenced by external, situational factors
Timelines organize events from earliest to most current/latest, so the earliest event relating to the topic would be first in the timeline.
I would say drinking at 21 b/c people are still maturing so I think people should start drinking at 25