

BALANCED. 7C, 16H, and 22O on each side of equation.

NOT BALANCED. 7C on left and 6C on right.

NOT BALANCED. 16H on left and 10H on right.

NOT BALANCED. 7C on left and 14C on right.
When the amount of gas in a container is increased, the volume increases. Lussac's law states that the pressure of a given amount of gas held at constant volume is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature.
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The first one is CrO. The Chromium has the same charge as the oxygen so mol numbers are dropped.
The Second one is CrO2 The two oxygens have a charge of 2(-2) = -4. To balance this, the Chromium must have a charge of +4 Cr(Iv)O2
The third one is can be set up like this
Cr + 3(-2) = 0
Cr - 6 = 0
Cr = 6
Therefore the formula is Cr(vi)O3
The last one is a bit tricky. Follow this carefully. There are 2 Crs and 3Os.
The formula looks like this
2Cr + 3(-2) = 0
2Cr - 6 = 0
2Cr = 6
Cr = 3
The formula is Cr(iii)2 O3