A study of the growth of English language learners (ELLs) in first-time kindergarten students (N = 19,890) from kindergarten through eighth grade was conducted.
Growth curve analyses showed that, when other factors were held constant, ELLs continued to improve at a steeper rate on these social/behavioral outcomes than their native English-speaking peers.
In kindergarten, teachers rated ELLs more favorably on approaches to learning, self control, and externalizing behaviors than native English speakers did.
Depending on the grade at which English competence is reached, ELLs and native English speakers achieve reading and math skills differently.
To be more precise, ELLs who were proficient by the time they entered kindergarten kept up with native English speakers in both reading and math initially and over time.
ELLs who were proficient by the time they entered first grade had modest gaps in reading and math achievement compared to native English speakers that either narrowed or persisted over time.
Learning English before entering kindergarten is associated with superior cognitive and behavioral results through the eighth grade for students whose first language is not English.
To learn more about kindergarten here