The Greek city-states applied democracy by giving citizens rights and responsibilities. They limited democracy by restricting citizenship to only free, land-owning who were born in the polis. ... By 700 B.C., citizens called hoplites made up the city-state armies
city-state armies
Correct answers are:
1. Euphrates River
2. Jordan River
3. Tigris River
4. Suez Canal
5. Persian Gulf
6. Strait of Hormuz
7. Arabian Sea
8. Red Sea
All of this geographical features are important part of the region. Suez Canal for example connects Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Strait of Hormuz connects Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. Tigris and Euphrates are flowing into Persian Gulf...
88% of rocks are almost completely devoid of fossils
Precambrian era which means "Before the Cambrian period". Geologists have found that there are some hard to discern fossils in some Precambrian rocks. Precambrian covers almost 90% of the entire history of the Earth whereby 88% of rocks are almost completely devoid of fossils which has been divided into three eras: The Hadean, The Archean and The Proterozoic
1) Likeness: Likeness of members in a social group is the primary basis of their mutuality.
2) Interdependence: It is not possible for human being to satisfy his desire in isolation.
3) Cooperation: If the members of the society do not work together for the common purposes, they cannot lead a happy and comfortable life.
Option (A)
The Ultraviolet lights are referred to as electromagnetic radiation that is comprised of wavelength ranging from 10 nm to about 400 nm (nanometer). The wavelengths of these UV rays are comparatively shorter in comparison to the wavelength of the visible light.
On the other hand, the infrared lights are the radiations that are comprised of wavelength ranging from about 700 nm to 1 mm (millimeter). These infrared lights have a higher wavelength in comparison to the visible light.
Those lights that are comprised of wavelength higher and shorter than the visible light wavelength are not visible to the naked eye. Human eyes respond to the light only between red and violet light of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Thus, the correct answer is option (A).