Questions 1–6: The sentences below contain adjectives and pronouns that are spelled alike. This exercise will help you determine
if you know the difference between adjectives and pronouns. *Identify the adjectives and the nouns they modify.
*Identify the demonstrative, indefinite, and interrogative pronouns.
1. Many people, especially those who grew up before the age of the personal computer, don’t understand how computers store information.
2. That information is stored in electronic files. Those files function much like file folders.
3. Each file is given a name. The name given to each, its filename, should represent the information found in the file.
4. What is the difference between the way a computer stores information and that used to store information in a conventional filing cabinet?
5. That explanation isn’t as clear as the one all of us heard at the lecture yesterday.
6. Which flowers are the most beautiful? These lilies are very nice, but they’re less interesting than those.
Questions 7–12: List the adjectives you find in the following sentences. After each adjective, write the noun it modifies. Be sure to include articles as adjectives.
7. A strange light shone in the western sky.
8. Our friend took a small boat down the turbulent river.
9. By late August, the brief northern summer had ended.
10. Stinging snow and strong winds lashed the brave rescuers.
11. Quick and efficient workers cleared the long runway.
12. Violent storms have affected the radio signals.
The wolf cub was different because it was the only pup from the litter to take after their father by having grey fur instead of reddish brown. He is fiercer and more determined, he wants to explore the surrounding area and he's motivated to learn more about his new life, especially the light.