The proper citation for your course of study -computer related- is APA (American Psychological Association) format. This citation format allows us to state the publication date, title , and authors in an organized and short fashion. All scholarly reports that are technology or psychology based, should be cited in APA format.
<span>I know this because it is the format I use for all of my college courses which are all Computer/Technology related. </span>
It shows you how the paper would look as if u printed it.
If two network adapters on the same network transmit at the same time, one of the adapters would stop transmitting until the second adapter has finished transmitting before retransmission
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) is a network protocol used to prevent data collision. CSMA/CD detects collisions by sensing transmissions from other nodes. If a collision is detected, the node stops transmitting, sends a jam signal, and then waits for some time until the channel is idle before retransmission.
If two nodes on the network start transmitting at the same time, the nodes will detect the collision and take the appropriate action.
If two network adapters on the same network transmit at the same time, one of the adapters would stop transmitting until the second adapter has finished transmitting before retransmission
The command to use to check if he can connect to the server is the ping command.
The ping command is a network testing command to verify that one computer can reach or communicate with another computer on the network.
In Microsoft, the ping command is used in the command prompt window.
The ping command sends an Internet Control Message Protocol or ICMP Echo request or packets to another computer on the network and waits for a reply. The reply either informs you of the time it took to communicate with the other computer or inform you that there was no response.
Pretty sure it’s d, hope this helps