If you want to turn a fraction to a decimal, you have to divide the numerator by the denominator in order to get a decimal number. If the fraction is a mixed number, you would do the same but make sure that the whole number is in front of the decimal.
be the most the manager can pay the suppliers.
Then, we know from the information given in the question that the manager needs a 30% markup based on cost.
Therefore, the guiding equation will be:

because $10 is the most people will pay for a neck warmer.
Thus, the above equation will become:

Thus, the most a manager can pay the suppliers for neck warmers and still keep the selling price at $10 is $7.69
21 baskets
Step-by-step explanation:
A. (x-2)(x+5)(x-3) is the correct answer to this question : )
F - 1.47
The largest box represents 100 small cubes or 1. The four pillars represent 10 and there is four of them so it is 40. Then, the individual cubes are 7. So, 1.47.