public class Date{
Public Date(int month,int day,int year){
void main(){
Date datep=new Date(3,12,2006);
Here we declared a class "Date" and defined one public constructor which will take month,day and year. In main we created an object to that Date class by invoking this parameterized constructor and assigned that object to "dateap" Date variable
password char
The password char property allows the text being written in the textbox to be hidden in the form of dots or stars. As such the user entering the password is secure, as no one nearby can know the password by watching the texts.
5,10; 6,12; 7,14
We will demonstrate the iteration of the loop:
First iteration: Number = 7, Count = 5 at the beginning. We will check if Count <= Number? Since it is correct, prints 5,10. Increment the Count by 1.
Second iteration: Number = 7, Count = 6. We will check if Count <= Number? Since it is correct, prints 6,12. Increment the Count by 1.
Third iteration: Number = 7, Count = 7. We will check if Count <= Number? Since it is correct, prints 7,14. Increment the Count by 1.
Forth iteration: Number = 7, Count = 8. We will check if Count <= Number? Since it is not correct, the loop stops.
A Contiguous memory allocation is known to be a classical memory allocation model. In this situation, we have a system which assigns consecutive memory blocks to a process. It is one of the oldest methods of memory allocation. If the process is in need of execution, the memory would be requested by the process. The processes size would then be compared to the amount of Contiguous memory that is available for the execution of the process.