If you gave away 280 of 600 business cards and you would like to know what percent of the cards is left, you can calculate this using the following steps:
600 - 280 = 320 cards are left
320 / 600 = 8 / 15 = 0.5333 = 53.33%
The correct result is D. 53.33%.
184 x 7 = 1288
7 x 6 = 42
so you have 42 <span>defective bulbs</span>
Idk how im supposed to answer this or whatevs bu
yes i have done factoring with variables.
distrubutive is the most involved in factoring method as i can tell.
i dont think ive studied this before or i mightve forgoten but im sure a polynomial can be factored into another one.
and yea. hope this helped in sum way