First we need to convert our fractions into decimals, it's just a lot easier to work with.
2 1/2 is equal to 2.5
2 1/4 is equal to 2.25
Then we plug our numbers into the formula used to find the volume of a rectangle:
Volume equals Length times Width times Height.
22.5 is already in decimal form, or if you'd rather have a mixed number, your answer is 22
Yes it is equivalent because you need to isolate the y so divide by 5 on both sides and 23 divided by 5 is 4.6
The industrialization of the late nineteenth century brought on rapid urbanization. The increasing factory businesses created many job opportunities in cities, and people began to flock from rural, farm areas, to large urban locations. Minorities and immigrants added to these n
Step-by-step explanation:
all of the numbers times three equals the number across from it.
Hope this helps!
Inequality Form
x < 3.8
Interval Notation
Step-by-step explanation: