Impressionism was an art movement from 19th century, which began as a private association of Paris-based artists who exhibited publicly in 1894. The term impressionism originated from art critic Louis Leroy, who commented Monet's painting "Impression: Soleil Levant"
Answer: Republican: Richard Nixon, George H. Bender, James M. Lloyd, Nelson Rockefeller, and Cecil H. Underwood.
Democrat: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Stuart Symington, Hubert Humphrey, Wayne Morse, Adlai Stevenson and George Smathers.
Answer: Just as the war had effected the course of influenza, influenza affected the war. Entire fleets were ill with the disease and men on the front were too sick to fight. The flu was devastating to both sides, killing more men than their own weapons could.