The term dark ages is no longer in use because of the negative feedback it was given so we call itmiddle Ages instead and also more was known from the early middle ages so dark ages is okay for describing the middle ages.
Considering it True or False Question
The skipper is right as he says that you will experience a greater buoyant Force for an extra-large life preserver.
According to Archimedes Principle if an object is submerged in a fluid it will displace water according to its weight and will experience the buoyant force equal to its weight.
For extra-large life, preserver mass is distributed over a large volume thus it experiences a large buoyant force.
The difference in the goals of working-class parents and middle-class parents in rearing their children was found by melvin kohn and carmi schooler to bemost related to the degree of individual freedom the parents had in their jobs. I hope that this is the answer that has actually come to your desired help.
Answer: Earth
From the description of the image above, Earth is the planet with the smallest inner core with Earth's inner core comprising of only 5% of the Earth.
This is in contrast to Mars (largest inner core) , Mercury (second largest) and Venus. The gas giants do not seem to have any inner cores in them.
The solid, plastic layer of the mantle is called the asthenosphere. It is located beneath the lithosphere and is considered very mechanically weak. It is different widths depending on the temperature.