Prufrock end it calling himself crab-like. When you get to the lines 120 to 131. the poems is already giving you some incredible and impossible ocean imagery. One that has the singing of mermaids and the sea-girls wearing seaweed. If the world is so isolating, being a crab in the middle of the described imagery is not that bad. And that is the point. The correct answer is:
D Prufrock wishes he were a crab living on the seafloor
Environmental sustainability refers to the need for us as humans to use the environment in such a way that is beneficial to both us and the environment such that it is preserved for future generations.
It involves activities that use the resources on earth in the most efficient manner such that we can get as much as we can whilst preserving the most we can as well.
In the 21st century, we have seen strides towards more environmental sustainability in many ways such as the increasing investment into alternative energies.
D. to help readers understand how Campbell came to identify the Hero's Journey.
In the informational text, Jessica McBirney tries to help readers grasp and understand how Campbell was able to identify the Hero's Journey. We learn that in 1940, Campbell noticed that alot of his favorite stories possessed similar structure. This made him to come up with "The Hero With A Thousand Faces".
In making readers understand how Campbell identified The Hero's Journey, McBirney showed that Campbell identified the following:
The ordinary world of the Hero, the call to adventure for the Hero, the Hero's refusal to accept the call, the Hero's crossing the threshold, the Hero's tests, allies and enemies, the Hero's ordeal, the supreme ordeal of the Hero, the Hero's reward and journey back home.
The Declaration of Independence included these three major themes:
People have certain Inalienable Rights including Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
All Men are created equal.
Individuals have a civic duty to defend these rights for themselves and others.
The Declaration of Independence was written to show a new theory of government, reasons why they were separating from England, and a formal declaration of war. It gave the 13 colonies freedom from England's laws.
Yea Brainly is pretty awesome lol