New Deal legislation solved the economic crisis quickly.
Many spending programs provided highly effective stimulus during the Great Recession. Governments may use fiscal policy—additional government spending or tax cuts—to stimulate the economy during a recession period. In a deep recession and liquidity trap, fiscal policy may be more effective than monetary policy because the government can pay for new investment schemes, creating jobs directly – rather than relying on monetary policy to indirectly encourage business to invest.
The Socratic Method presents the belief that with the right encouragement, people can eventually work things out for themselves. It is a True statement.
The Socratic method is also called Elenctic method. In this type of method of teaching, there is cooperative and argumentative discussion between two people. Questions will be asked which will stimulate critical thinking in the person.
This method encourages the person to do right things and believe in his ideas, assumptions and critically analyze and reason them. Thus, as per the statement, if the encouragement is right, it will eventually make the person successful in his work.
Their mother teaching things in the same way for both of them