If the new reforms bring increase confidence of the investors then the company will have to incur lower borrowing costs as the investor will be available and vice versa.
Suppose that previously our company's credit rating was overrated. Due to recent regulatory reforms, my company achieved a lower credit rating and hence the investor confidence in our company dropped significantly. Now the investor is not interested to invest in my company and to urge them to invest in the company, they will be offered higher interest. If the reforms are going to impact our credit rating adversely then the borrowing cost will increase and vice versa.
Furthermore, Core Principle 3 says that the decsion making of the investor is based on the information that is readily available to him. This means if the reforms increase the access of the borrower through improved credit rating then it will be favourable for the company in terms of lower borrowing costs. If the reforms decrease the access of the borrower through depreciating credit rating then it will adversely affect the company in terms of lower borrowing costs and lower investment access.
Ciencias formales: Lógica y Matemáticas. Ciencias factuales: 1.- naturales (Física, Química, Biología, Psicología individual) y 2.- culturales (Psicología social, Sociología, Economía, Ciencias Políticas, Historia material, Historia de las ideas)
las ciencias humanas sociales. a) Ciencias que establecen leyes: antropología, psicología, lingüística, economía y política, demografía y cibernética, lógica y epistemología científica. b) Ciencias que interpretan el pasado: historia, filología, crítica literaria, paleontología. c) Ciencias que establecen normas: derecho, política, legislación. d) Ciencias filosóficas: metafísica, teoría del conocimiento general, antropología filosófica, axiología, ética, filosofía de la religión, sociología.
Heat is released when a substance changes from a gas to a liquid, or from a liquid to a solid.
When a liquid changes to a solid, we refer to that as the process of 'freezing'.
Answer: b. must decline to take the listing with this requirement
Explanation: A real estate professional must not take any listing with discriminatory requirement based on race such as the requirement made by the seller in the scenario above. This in accordance with the Fair Housing Act which prohibits acts of discrimination in housing based on color, religion, race, sex or nationality. A listing stating that an apartment or property shouldn't be offered to individuals who aren't nationals of the United States has discriminated on the basis of nationality which is illegal.
The answer is B. accurately reflect the change in production.