C. a decrease in the chromosome number in every generation.
hope it helps .
The influx of calcium ions.
The influx of calcium ions at a certain point produces phase of the action potential also called depolarization which results in the ion movement changes the membrane potential from negative to positive inside the cell.
In action potential, calcium ions may control gene transcription, cell excitability, and neurotransmitter release. In chemical synapses, the influx of calcium ions leads to vesicles filled with neurotransmitters move to the surface of the cell, and into the synaptic cleft release their contents.
<em>B and C.</em>
The epidemiological triangle is an illustration of interaction among suitable hosts, disease agents, and the environment that drives successful outbreak of diseases.
In order to successfully tackle or reduce the incidence of a disease, the triangle has to be broken.
<em>In the case of malaria which is caused by plasmodium but spread through the female anopheles mosquito, one way of breaking the epidemiological triangle is to eliminate female anopheles mosquito in the environment using any possible means. This will stop the spread of the parasite and hence, the disease.</em>
<em>Another way to reduce/prevent malaria is to prevent the vector, female anopheles mosquito from getting to the host, the human populace. This can also be achieved by several possible means.</em>
Relocating the entire village to a neighbouring village might not break the epidemiological triangle as long as female anopheles mosquito still abounds. In the same vein, antibacterial drugs will not help to treat malaria. However, instructing residents on personal protective measures and controlling the vector through chemical larvicides will go a long way in breaking the triangle and reducing the incidence on the malaria disease.
<em>The correct options is B and C.</em>