i got you dawg just gimme one sec i'll get to you fr g
Two plates pull towards each other
Along a convergent plate boundary, two plates moves towards each other as the move in the same direction.
This results in different forms of plate interactions depending on the plate types.
- At an ocean - ocean and continental - ocean convergent front, subduction of the oceanic plate occurs. This is because the oceanic plate below is denser than the asthenosphere.
- At a continental - continental convergent front, the continental crust is pulls upward and build up as a mountain.
- The subduction produces trenches and some volcanic islands.
The IUPAC name of the compound has already been given which is 2,2-dimethyl-4-ethylheptane.
The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) is an authority in chemistry that provides a guideline and standardized methods in the naming of compounds formed from the periodic table.
In order the give an IUPAC name to a compound, certain steps needs to be followed, these includes:
--> Identify the functional group in the compound as this will form the suffix. For example if the functional group is an alkane the suffix will be -ane.
--> Identify the longest carbon chain (it may not be a straight chain) that contains the functional group. This forms the prefix. Example: if the longest carbon chain is 7 carbon atoms then the prefix will be hept-
--> All the carbons of the longest chain should be numbered
--> Identify branched groups on the chain and name them according to the number of carbon atoms. They usually end with -yl.
--> Finally, combine the elements of the name is a single word.
The structural formula of the IUPAC compound can be found in the attached file for a better understanding. The branched groups are circled.

what is the chemical formula of (Sodium hydroxide ) ??
<h3> ⚘ NaOH</h3>
- Sodium hydroxide, Sodium oxidanide