8. Identify the common denominator; express each fraction using that denominator; combine the numerators of those rewritten fractions and express the result over the common denominator. Factor out any common factors from numerator and denominator in your result. (It's exactly the same set of instructions that apply for completely numerical fractions.)
9. As with numerical fractions, multiply the numerator by the inverse of the denominator; cancel common factors from numerator and denominator.
10. The method often recommended is to multiply the equation by a common denominator to eliminate the fractions. Then solve in the usual way. Check all answers. If one of the answers makes your multiplier (common denominator) be zero, it is extraneous. (10a cannot have extraneous solutions; 10b might)
Step-by-step explanation:
For a couple of these, it is helpful to remember that (a-b) = -(b-a).



Neither solution makes any denominator be zero, so both are good solutions.
As we can see, our a value, which would be the coefficient of
, which determines our slope, is negative, meaning that this whole line is negative.
Furthermore, the correlation can be determined using the r value of the linear regression, which is around -0.9.
If the r value of the linear regression is close to 1 or -1, let's say around |r| > 0.8, then we can consider the regression a strong correlation, meaning that this is a strong negative correlation, which is answer choice A.
brainliest plss!!
Step-by-step explanation:
I dunno.......................
Step-by-step explanation:
Internet said this: "Thus, a product that normally costs $ 81 with a 45 percent discount will cost you $ 44.55, and you saved $ 36.45. You can also calculate how much you save by simply moving the period in 45.00 percent two spaces to the left, and then multiply the result by $ 81 as follows: $ 81 x. 45 = $ 36.45 savings."
Hope this helps∞<3
Let me know if it right or wrong!