Son las características que tienen los elementos y que varían en forma secuencial por grupos y períodos. Algunas de esas propiedades son: radio atómico, potencial de ionización, electronegatividad, estructura electrónica, afinidad electrónica, valencia iónica, carácter metálico
We are dependent on photosynthesis because photosynthesis is an essential process in our natural environment that helps to sustain plant life, produce oxygen, reduce Co2, and promotes human and animal well-being.
Because gametes are haploid cells they have half the number of chromosomes in a normal diploid cell. Therefore, the fly traps gamete cells will have 4 chromosomes.
"the act of placing multiple text elements side by side to compare them"
the definition of juxtaposition is "the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect."