It was very difficult but then I just told myself I can do it
I really did not no what you meant
The ABUSO of alcohol is a complex problem that includes dangerous consumption, harmful consumption and addiction. The World Health Organization defines the dangerous or risky consumption "a regular consumption of alcohol that carries the risk of harmful consequences" on the physical, psychological or social level. Includes drinking over the limit allowed by the health authorities or imposed by law. Harmful consumption, also called alcohol abuse, involves consumption that is already causing physical or psychological damage but has not yet led to addiction. Addiction has been called "the inability to abstain from drinking". Those who are dependent crave alcohol, keep drinking despite the problems caused by alcohol and without drinking suffer from withdrawal symptoms.
Texting the Patients
Almost everyone nowadays uses a cellphone and this would make it really easy to quickly send this important message to everyone. If we email tons of people might not read it and calling each and every person would take way to long.