D. Large network of roads.
A resembles a modem/router and C a webserver.
by using forms
Most of the database users perform the data searches by using the forms. A form can be used to enter, edit and display the data from the data source. Its a user interface in fact that fetches the data from the database. Reports have used the display the data for a certain type of user, and the viewing table does not look feasible to search from a very large database, and the databases are usually large. No calculation is required for searching the data, and we only need to write queries in the right syntax. Hence, here the correct option is by using forms.
A. f/2.8
A hole within a lens, through which light travels into the camera body is referred to as the APERTURE.
It is typically expressed as "f number" in photography. Basically, a fast lens is any lens with a maximum aperture of f/4 or more i.e f/2.8 , f/1.8 , f/1.4 etc.
The smaller the number is the bigger the maximum aperture is. Hence, the bigger the maximum aperture the more light that your lens will allow in.
Therefore, the ideal aperture settings for a fast lens is f/2.8
public class Brainly
public static void main(String[] args)
BinaryConverter conv = new BinaryConverter();
String binStr = "01001101";
System.out.print(binStr + " in decimal is "+conv.BinToDec(binStr));
public class BinaryConverter
public int BinToDec(String binStr)
int d = 0;
while(binStr.length() > 0)
d = (d << 1) + ((binStr.charAt(0) == '1') ? 1: 0);
binStr = binStr.substring(1);
return d;
The program "eats" the string from left to right, and builds up the integer representation in variable "d" on the go. While there are digits left, it shifts the previous result to the left and sets the least signficant bit to 1 only if the corresponding string character is a 1.
human center because we describe stuff by what we see and obserevs