Answer:a. Pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination
Precontemplation - this is the stage in which people are not inclined towards taking any action to change anytime soon. They are still not convinced that they have a problem or that their behaviour will have a negative outcome. They are more concerned about the negative effect the change will bring to them and not paying attention to the positive results it would bring if they were to change their behaviour.
Contemplation -This is the stage where they start to consider changing in the future, they start to think about it.
Their eyes start to open up to the fact that their behaviour is probably negative. They start to equally evaluate both advantages and disadvantages of changing this behaviour.Eventhough they are thinking about changing their behaviour but at this point they are still resistant towards changing.
Preparation (Determination) - This is the stage where they are ready to start the path towards changing their behaviour within 30 days. They take baby steps because they can now understand that it would be healthy to do so.
Action - now they have acted and want to continue on the same direction they may start engaging in different healthy behaviors .
Maintenance - They working towards ensuring that they don't go back to the same behavior so they striving to make sure they keep what they have achieved.
Termination - this is the stage in which they are truly over their former negative behaviors. They have completely eliminated this behaviour. They are sure they will never return back however it said that this is a difficult stage to reach hence most people stay at the maintenance stage.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
The children exhibit the symptoms of avoidant personality disorder due to disapproval, criticism, and rejection from parents. The children avoid a public situation in which they might experience disapproval or rejection. The parental acceptance, rejection, punishment, or overly authoritative control adversely affect the personality and performance of the child. Consequently, they feel fear to take part in the challenges of life.
Answer: During bronze age, Ancient people had been using bronze to make tools or weapons necessary for hunting etc. Metals like tin and copper was used to make bronze thus the name bronze age( denoting the period of usage of bronze). Metals were used before and also after bronze age.
A persons record has alot to do with it. They normally consider the severity of the crime and the circumstances surrounding it. Some crimes put a person ineligible for bail. A persons record is another consideration. Someone who has a long record may be subject to bigger bail amounts, if any at all. Another thing, if a problematic person has tendencies for being late to court, or not showing up at all. Judges have been know to look at a persons family life and employment status. A persons reputation can really count. I hope this has given you enough information.
Social contract. They came together and set an expectation on how they will conduct themselves.