The central idea behind marketing is the idea that a firm or other entity will create something of value to one or more customers. The end objective of marketing is selling a product and in this case we presume marketing means advertisement.
Entertainment can be separated from marketing activities and appeal of entertainment can be used to achieve different goal. Entertainment can only be used for holding attention and interest of audience that would be the consumer or it gives pleasure or delight. It is an idea or task which is developed for keeping attention of audience and this process is accelerated by entertainment industry in order to sell entertainment product. But according to psychologists entertainment is just attainment of gratification and no other result or measurable benefits can be achieved by entertainment and role of entertainment ends here. Marketing begins with encouraging people towards purchasing the commercial product. Behind the scenes tactics like advertising, production, placement and pricing incorporated in marketing. Main objective of marketing is attracting consumers towards the product or services provided by the organization. While entertainment just hold attention and interest of consumers and it is the line between..The central idea behind marketing is the idea that a firm or other entity will create something of value to one or more customers. The end objective of marketing is selling a product and in this case we presume marketing means advertisement.
Entertainment can be separated from marketing activities and appeal of entertainment can be used to achieve different goal. Entertainment can only be used for holding attention and interest of audience that would be the consumer or it gives pleasure or delight. It is an idea or task which is developed for keeping attention of audience and this process is accelerated by entertainment industry in order to sell entertainment product. But according to psychologists entertainment is just attainment of gratification and no other result or measurable benefits can be achieved by entertainment and role of entertainment ends here. Marketing begins with encouraging people towards purchasing the commercial product. Behind the scenes tactics like advertising, production, placement and pricing incorporated in marketing. Main objective of marketing is attracting consumers towards the product or services provided by the organization. While entertainment just hold attention and interest of consumers and it is the line between...
entertainment and marketing.
Quantity of oil bought & sold would depend upon relative change i.e increase & decrease in demand & supply respectively.
- ↑Dd = ↓Sy : Qty same
- ↑Dd > ↓Sy : Qty ↑
- ↑Dd < ↓Sy : Qty ↓
Libya is an exporter of Oil to China. It implies china's demand for oil is satisfied by Libya's imports.
Usual markets are at equilibrium when market demand = market supply, demand & supply curves intersect.
Political unrest in Libya decreasing oil production, would decrease supply (exported) of oil to China & sift supply curve leftwards. Simultaneously, increase in China demand for oil would shift the demand curve rightwards. These changes in demand, supply would create excess demand. Excess demand would cause competition among buyers & increase the new equilibrium price.
However, <u>Quantity </u>of oil bought & sold would depend upon relative change , shift in demand & supply. If increase in demand is equal to decrease in supply, the quantity would remain<u> same.</u> If increase in demand is more than decrease in supply, quantity will <u>increase</u>. If increase in demand is less than decrease in supply, the quantity will <u>decrease.</u>
<span>She has fixed costs of $250.
Her variable costs are $1,000 for the first thousand posters,
Her variable costs are $800 for the second thousand
Her variable costs are $750 for each additional thousand posters.
To calculate Average fixed cost that is AFC per poster we need two factors: Total fixed cost = 250 and Number of poster = 1000
So now AFC will be (250/1000) that is 0.25.</span>
Answer: In order to achieve a high rating on the economic freedom of the world index a government should allow labor, capital and goods to move freely without any restriction.
Explanation: In economic freedom, individuals have the opportunity to control their labor and property. The government is not telling them what they can and can not do, it is entirely up to them. Measuring economic freedom is based on the rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency and open markets.
1. percentage of a consumer's budget