I would say camera it was invented by Ibn ul Haitham.
My dear reader, the rule of law is not a respecter of person or group of persons. Every soul and institutions is equal before the law. Hence, no one is above the law. In any criminal trial, the onus of proving the guilt against an accused person arraigned before a court of law beyond reasonable doubt rest squarely on the prosecution unless, in some special cases when the prosecution closes its case having called witnesses to testify against an accused person.
It depends on what decision you make and how it affects you, your environment, and the people around you. If you do things like these you will benefit, manage the big stuff. It's very easy to get sidetracked by insignificant issues in life. ...
Values matter. ...
Learn from the past. ...
Know what you know and what you don't know. ...
Keep the right perspective. ...
Don't procrastinate. ...
Once you make a decision, don't look back, make it work.
Image result for what missouri compromise admitted as a slave state and a free state
In an effort to preserve the balance of power in Congress between slave and free states, the Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
The sanskrit word nirvana refers to the destruction or cessation of desire. It means one has to empty thyself from desires. By eliminating desires one is also eliminating afflictions, actions, rebirths, and suffering that are consequences of afflictions and actions.