1. Necro- c. Death.
2. Therm- a. Heat.
3. Arachn- e. Spider.
4. Claustr- d. Small space.
5. Soph- b. Wisdom.
1. "Necro" means anything related to death or dying or even dead bodies or corpses. The fear of death of anything death-related is known as necrophobia.
2. The word "therm" is usually related to the term "heat". It is also the unit of heat which makes the fear of heat to be thermophobia.
3. "Arach" is a term relating to the spider family. Thus, the fear of spiders is arachnophobia.
4. "Claust" refers to any small, congested space. Claustrophobia is the fear or small space or an enclosed congested space.
5. Soph is a word related to wisdom or knowledge. Thus, sophobia means to have a huge fear of learning of knowledge or wisdom.
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
In one study of reading and math ability in third- and fifth-grade children, the researchers found that high-scoring children usually had three sources of cognitive stimulation. Media was not a source of cognitive stimulation.
Scientist highly recommend mental stimulation for children to develop the part in their brains that work on language and cognition. Children must have activities that improve alternating attention, that foments inhibition, and that improve their semantic memory.
Decentralization defines that when a company gives authority to another to start their own business with the franchisee. For example Mc Donald, Surf way. Pizza hut, Domino's, etc. In other words Decentralization can be run after the process of centralization when it matures.
Now, according to the given situation, Political party organisations work on the county, local, state, and national level within the US federal system. This peculiarity of American political parties is named decentralization.
President truman stated that the world was facing aserious threat of communism (socialism) which was eating up the most European countries.
It should be noted that socialism began in USSR( Russia) as a means of making properties and private owned properties to be owned by the community inorder to reduce the wide gap between the rich and the poor.
Poll responders regularly exhibit <u>which of the following</u>, resulting in inconsistency in poll results.
Responding positively to positive phrases.
Responding negatively to negative phrases.
Giving socially approved responses to questions.