The four components of a total pay package are <u>base salary</u>, tax equalization allowance, benefits, and allowances to make a foreign assignment more attractive.
<h3>What is Tax equalization?</h3>
A compensation strategy called tax equalization is used by multinational corporations to guarantee that an employee's tax situation won't change as a result of accepting a worldwide assignment. A key component of the home-based "balance sheet" strategy, which aims to accomplish several objectives, is tax equalization.
<h3>What is a compensation package?</h3>
A compensation package is a list of all the ways that a business pays personnel, either directly or indirectly. The compensation plan, which is often referred to as a total compensation statement, details the employer's payment practices including non-cash perks.
<h3>Are tax equalization payments taxable?</h3>
It is not taxable, no. Money given as part of a divorce settlement to (ex)spouses in order to divide up the marital assets equally is neither deductible by the payment nor taxable to the recipient. Keep in mind that a payment is not considered alimony or maintenance if it is not designated as such in the divorce decree.
Learn more about Tax equalization: