The women are going to hide what they have discovered to protect Mrs. Wright.
In this part of the story "Trifles", the two ladies, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters discovers the real scenario of the murder and about the murderer. They came into the conclusion that they will not disclose this to anyone. They started to cover the birdcage with more quilts to hide the evidence from the eyes of the men. Talking about the bird, Mrs. Hale replied to the Country Attorney that the cat might have eaten it up.
It is a science fiction short story about the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
1. Hermia → Lysander
2. Helena → Demetrius
3. Titania → Oberon
The above is correct. I have been able to match each woman with her mate at the end of the play.
Lysander was mistaken to be Demetrius and was placed under Puck's spell which led him to fall in love with Helena. But eventually, the spell over Lysander was reversed and Lysander finally marries Hermia at the end.
Also, Demetrius and Helena ended up marrying each other. Demetrius later said that he wasn't in love with Hermia but with Helena.
Titania is the wife of Oberon.
"A Midsummer Night's Dream" is a play written by William Shakespeare.
pair them to the corresponding
And then I felt smaller because the teacher
was taking roll and he called out my name. self-critical
No, I felt like a magician slicing myself in half,
with Junior living on the north side of the
Spokane River and Arnold living on the south. uncomfortable
"My name is Junior," I said. "And my name
Is Arnold. It's Junior and Arnold. I'm both." Incomplete
were no other people named Junior
in Reardan, so I was being laughed at because
I was the only one who had that silly name