Sandstone experiences intense heat and pressure.
Under the surface of the Earth, the temperature and pressure exerted on the rocks changes their composition and structure. The rock formed due to these changes are termed as metamorphic rocks. These changes in the structure of the rock transforms it to metamorphic rocks. Increase in temperature, change in pressure and increase in the level of fluidity helps in the formation of the metamorphic rocks.
Hitler had a totalitarian regime because he, a dictator and basically the government, had total control of every aspect of life.
They are a positive demonstration of how to treat your elders w respect. The unproven yet popularly believed invention of karate was a very positive social influence, as it not only teaches a sport, but manners, etiquette, self esteem, respect for others, & many more qualities I feel are important socially. They have produced many great musicians who have contributed to classical music.