A paradigm shift is a major change in the concepts and practices of how something works or is accomplished.
A paradigm shift very often happens when new technology is introduced that radically alters the production process of a good or service.
Although the idea of paradigms has been around for quite some time, the concept was explored by physicist and philosopher Thomas Kahn Kuhn.
Pinworms belong to the group of worms called the Nematodes which is the answer. Pinworms are intestinal roundworms living in the intestinal tract of animals and human. There are 4 types of pinworms and one of it is Enterobius vermicularis which then infects the humans.
Geiger counters are commonly used to measure the amount of radioactivity, but there are other types of detectors that may be used
Gene expression is the process by which the instructions in our DNA are converted into a functional product, such as a protein. When the information stored in our DNA? is converted into instructions for making proteins? or other molecules, it is called gene expression
New Zealand: 46 people per square mile.
Australia: 7 people per square mile.