I believe the answer would be B, Sorry if I'm wrong! ❤
The decline stage is the period where the relevance of a Technology making way for more advanced technology.
sentence = "hello wow a stores good"
same_letter_count = 0
sentence_list = sentence.split()
for s in sentence_list:
if s[0] == s[-1]:
same_letter_count += 1
*The code is in Python.
Initialize the sentence with a string
Initialize the same_letter_count as 0
Split the sentence using split method and set it to the sentence_list
Create a for loop that iterates through the sentence_list. If the first and last of the letters of a string are same, increment the same_letter_count by 1
When the loop is done, print the same_letter_count
Respuesta: Los caracteres adquiridos no se transmiten genéticamente porque no modifican el ADN de los organismos
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck al igual que Charles Darwin, propuso una teoría sobre la evolución que explicaba cambios en los organismos a través del tiempo. La teoría de Lamarck se enfocaba en condiciones en el ambiente que propiciaban cambios en los organismos. Un ejemplo de esto son las jirafas, que de acurdo a Lamarck tenían cuellos largos debido al esfuerzo continuado para comer hojas de árboles altos. Esto significa que la característica de cuello largo era adquirido por las jirafas durante su vida y según Lamarck se transmitiría a sus descendientes.
Sin embargo, se ha comprobado que los caracteres adquiridos no modifican el ADN de los organismos, por ejemplo las cirugías estéticas no cambian el ADN de una persona y por esta razón no son transmitidos a sus descendientes. Por el contrario, en las poblaciones de organismos ciertas características prevalencen en el tiempo debido a la selección natural. Esto significa que el cuello de las jirafas es el resultado que el cuello largo sea una característica beneficiosa que ha prevalecido debido a la selección natural y no de características adquiridas que son transmitidas a descendientes.
One sheave means that you are using a single drum winder. They are the worst! Double drum winders control easier, brake better and are much more efficient. They save time ( two skips or cages) and can be clutched to perform faster shift transport. A single drum is slow, unbalanced and can be a nightmare if it trips out during hoisting. If the brake system is not perfect it can be a real hairy experience. For a runaway single drum, there is no counterbalance effect. It always runs to destruction. With a double drum, the driver still has a chance to control the winder to a certain extent and he has two sets of brakes to rely on. A single sheave could also mean a shaft with a single compartment. No second means of escape unless there are ladders or stairways. Not a very healthy situation.
Those are just a few points. I am sure much more can be said in favor of a double drum winder and two or more sheaves in the headgear. Most of the shafts I have worked at have multiple winders and up to ten compartments. They all have a small single drum service winder for emergencies and moves of personnel during shift times. They are referred to as the Mary - Annes. Apparently, the name originated in the U.K. where an aristocratic mine owner named the first such winder after his mistress.
<em>Hope you got it </em>
<em>If you have any question just ask me</em>
<em>If you think this is the best answer please mark me as BRAINLIEST</em>